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Fred & Gill

    Thanks for a great post and information Tom. The roof light seems a scary project but it’s not so daunting now. A super quick job Tom, well done – you deserve that drink.

    Regarding sealing the outer frame:

    Firstly those Star washers had to come off so that I could remove the sky light for good access. I found that a some  of screws were up to a 1/4 turn loose so I applied the Hodgesons Seamseal CV around the edge and worked it in – then tightened the screws.

    I then applied a generous bead all around everything and smoothed it out – it’s very visible but neat,  at that time I wasn’t up for removing the frame if I could resolve the issue easily. It’s so easy to work and not too messy.

    I was up cleaning and polishing the roof last week from my scaffold tower and it still looks good and thankfully doesn’t leak.
