Home Forums General Discussion Lithium batteries Reply To: Lithium batteries

Fred & Gill

    Hello Jean – sorry can’t add any expert advice because I know even less about electrics that Chris or Barry.

    From what I have read on Forums the safe bet is the Varta LFD & Yusa  as Barry referenced.

    I have run with the Varta LFD 110 ah (only single and no solar or B to B) for 3 trouble free years mostly non EHU several days at a time.

    As Barry states many many motorhomers run with 2 x110 ah batteries, but that is at the limit of charger capacity as Martin and the late Alan Evans would advise……a stress factor would be if you are a heavy power user.

    As I understand Lithium need a special charge regime and the Electobloc EBL 99 is dated and only provides a selection of lead acid or Gel (which were the original fitment) and the Gel also caused many problems failing after 18-24 months (mine did) ,, there were many questions about the ability to charge these Gel batteries correctly at the time because of many early failures on Hymer vehicles.

    Keep it simple and stick to the Varta…..if you are really worried then use the smaller 75ah option x2

    Best wishes
