Home Forums Modifications & Enhancements Removable Steering Wheel Reply To: Removable Steering Wheel

Barry & Maggie

    I struggled with my seat the same as you’re obviously doing, Harvey, until I discovered the one way to do it…

    1. I pull the seat as far forward as I can so the frame clears the handbrake.

    2. I tip the back of the seat as far forward as possible, onto the steering wheel.

    3. I then turn the seat inwards so that the seat back and armrests “just” scrape past the steering wheel, adjusting the fore/aft position of the seat as appropriate to achieve this.

    4. I then rotate the seat fully to face the rear, lifting the cushion on the rear seat so the front seat ‘back/forward’ handle clears the rear seat base

    5. I then slide the reversed  front seat rearwards and I adjust the back as reclined as the steering wheel will permit (not much!).  But… it is reversed.

    I hope this encourages you to persevere.

    Good luck!