Home Forums General Discussion Bonnet catch 2004 Exsis SK

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    • #654

        I did what’s below as a word press post, which is probably the wrong way to do it so I’m copying it in here as well:

        First time I’ve visited this new site. Thanks to Barry and his son for the work in setting it up. I’ve changed my e-mail address since my last visit to the old site so I’ve re-registered and hope I haven’t made a mess of it!

        I’d hoped to post this as a solution rather than a problem but it hasn’t been possible. The bonnet on my 2004 Exsis SK won’t latch. The garage, Brownhills’ spares department and Hymer in Germany have all been involved but the upshot is:

        the garage says the catch is not repairable

        Brownhills and Hymer say that the catch is a Fiat part

        Fiat say that there are only 2 possible catches for the Ducato in question

        the garage has obtained both of these and neither is suitable

        Anyone come across this…or wants to buy a nice 2004 Exsis with a tricky bonnet catch?

      • #656

          Try pulling the whole latch unit a few cm’s towards you whilst standing in front of the engine. Mine had a similar problem, the unit had moved slightly and was failing to engage the bonnet catch. Hope this simple solution works!

        • #660
          Barry & Maggie

            This makes a change to the normal bonnet catch problems… a broken cable!

            Good advice, Nexus.  First time I’ve heard of a bonnet catch actually breaking, so maybe it is just adjustment, Impractical?

            Good luck, and keep us informed?



          • #694

              Thanks Nexus (and Barry). I’ll certainly give it a try and let you know how/when/if it’s sorted.

            • #764

                Here’s the outcome in case anyone else has a similar experience. After finding out that the catch itself can’t be sourced from either Fiat or Hymer an after the garage had looked at it twice to see what they could do, I was about to take it in for the third time to see if it could be re-engineered. A pal of mine was present and asked if he could have a look. He looked at it closely, tugged at the ‘bits’ and then asked me to go into the cab and physically push the plastic bonnet release back in. Hey presto, the bonnet closed!

                Thanks again to both of you.

              • #767
                Barry & Maggie


                  That just goes to show you!  But thanks for posting – this could solve a problem for someone at some time in the future.

                  If the cable has actually ‘stuck’, maybe remove it and fit a brand new cable, or at the very least, remove it, hang it up and dribble a light oil (3-in-One is good, or even engine oil, but that will take longer to dribble through – NOT “WD40” though!).  Some motorcyclists have “power pumps” to pump oil through cables under force for instant lubrication.

                  The worry is, if it’s jammed once, when will it do it again, or even break?

                  Thanks for posting that result, Impractical.

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