Home Forums General Discussion Condensation from windscreen

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    • #3615


        during the winter months, when our van is standing, we get a lot a condensation that runs down the windscreen and wets the horizontal ‘dahboard’ panel, below. Do others have the same problem, and if so, how do you prevent or deal with the issue, please?

        • This topic was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by Sunseeker.
      • #3617
        Happy Traveller

          Hello Sunseeker


          We have this problem in the winter particularly when we’re boiling water, cooking or using hot water to wash or wash up. Several members have found that the ‘dashboard panel” rots and is not easy to replace.  I have owned my van from new in 2004. My 3 methods of preventing the dashboard from rotting  (with for the first 2 the bonus of driving away with a mist free windscreen) are :-

          1) Use a Karcher window vac – there are several models available, I bought one with the choice of a narrow  or wide blade. It is cordless, easy to recharge and the battery power seems to last a long time. Because of the curvature of the windscreen I use the narrow blade. I wipe horizontally across the top, then beneath this wipe etc using a small overlap. The result is a clear window free of streaks. It’s surprising how much water is collected from a single clearing of the screen. It only takes a couple of minutes.


          2) Because our vans have a unique front window off-the-peg insulation screens aren’t a good fit. A tailored to our screen insulation screen is supplied by Silverscreens who measured the window to do this. Their screen (is the one I have) covers both front side windows and windscreen and is a boon when the temperatures outside are low or it’s snowing. We’ve used ours in the uk from November through to May storing it under the shower room floor. It’s bulky and often wet when put away so I hang it up in the garage to dry when I get home. For daytime use there is a drop down central panel if you want to see out. This is designed to give privacy from people walking by if you want it. We get little or no condensation when using it because I suspect the windscreen is warmer with it on than it otherwise would be. This is after all what it’s designed to do.


          3) For our previous van the first owner had bought internal insulating screens one for each of the 3 front windows. These worked quite well where they made a snug fit and, once in position there were no runs or drips. But getting a snug fit was difficult  because they were held in place by suction pads. After I had removed them condensation quickly formed if the outside temperature was low. These screens were also quite bulky, but at least they were always dry and could therefore be stored more easily.


          My best wishes to you for some good winter camping in these unusual times.



        • #3620


            Hi Sunseeker

            Second the Silverscreens, our van fortunately came with them. I would consider sticking some U section at the bottom of the window with some sort of nitrile double sided if we camp between Dec an Feb.  https://www.amazon.co.uk/Square-section-rubber-protective-19-20mm/dp/B081FCMNBV/ref=asc_df_B081FCMNBV/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=430680638145&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10337050460456001745&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9046581&hvtargid=pla-930260176316&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=103698421841&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=430680638145&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10337050460456001745&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9046581&hvtargid=pla-930260176316 you buy in whatever length you want. I thought siliconing the ends would provide a sufficient trough to catch a nights worth of condensation which could be ‘Karchered’ out. Not planning on going out when the gritters are out given some of the underbody issues reported on here but would like to go to Edinburgh Xmas markets this year.

          • #3637
            Caroline and Dave

              Hello, we have a dehumidifier which we leave running when we’re not using the camper, it keeps everything nice and dry.

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