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        Can anyone advise me, the electric step broke and the replacement our garage got did not fit, been unable to source another…contacted Brownhill and Travel world still no luck. I saw online a Thule V16 12v step 400 Ducato, has anyone tried to fit this successfully? and can anyone help with the correct replacement measurements as the mechanic told me I cannot have a depth of more than 33cm.we don’t have our old step to compare sizes. Would really appreciate some help with this issue.Thank you in advance .


      • #2211
        Barry & Maggie

          Hi Emile,

          Sorry to hear your problem.

          This step was made specially for Hymer by Omnistor and carries a special code number of it’s own. They did that probably because of the dimension problems you are discovering.

          I think you would be best off ordering one from Hymer, or at least from these people – https://tinyurl.com/qtt469f – irrespective of the expense, because I believe you may have far more problems trying to make something else fit (not that that is impossible).

          I cannot suggest anything else other than just looking critically at dimensions of other steps, but I’m guessing that if Hymer had to have one specially made, it was for a VERY good reason!

          Good luck with this, and let us know how you get on. Another step option, should you discover one, would be a very great help to others.

          Best wishes,


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