Home Forums General Discussion Front indicator bulb

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    • #989


        is there an easy way of replacing the front indicator bulb.


      • #990
        Barry & Maggie

          I think the whole light unit has to be removed, Pete.

          It’s a bit of pia, but doesn’t take that long.  From memory, remove front ‘Hymer’ panel (four screws) to reveal a headlight unit bolt (remove) that holds headlight unit in, and remove the other, more visible bolt.  The headlight is then only held in  by a stud that’s just pushed into a grommet in the wing  –  pull and wiggle it until it pops out.  Invert the headlight to gain access to the bulbs.

          It may be possible to do it another way but I don’t know of it.  I’ve changed my headlight units once and I’ve also had a young lad at Halfords change a bulb this way (one cold, sleety-rainy evening in winter!).  So you could let Halfords do it for you, but it will cost you about £7 extra.

          Good luck.  Let us know how you get on.


        • #993

            Hi all,

            thanks for that Barry, i worked it out prior to your reply, bit of a faph, but all done,

            thanks anyway.

            Gone me Pete

          • #994
            Fred & Gill

              Thanks for asking Marley.

              Of course, once again thanks to Barry for supplying the solution. I have never had to change one yet and for us all it is so much easier if you know how.


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