Home Forums General Discussion Horn problems, not working

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    • #3030

        Hi everyone . Having horn problems , no smutty jokes please ! Assuming it is the fuse , can anyone tell me where it is. 2004 Exsis SK Have checked the drivers side RHDrive  The diagram on the lid does not seem to match the fuses ?  have checked fuses there and all seem ok ? and is the claxon connected to the alarm also ?   Con. .  fused !    MOT Next week and that is a fail !  . . .Have we a bright spark ,  must stop it this is serious .

        can anyone help Fred , stay safe my friends

      • #3031

          Hi Fred

          Have a look at this

          Fiat Ducato (2002 – 2006) – fuse box diagram

          May help


        • #3034
          Barry & Maggie

            Horns frequently fail because of poor earths/corroded connections. Maybe separate some connections, clean them up and see if that helps?  I’m not sure if this horn earths through the mounting?  If it does, unbolt it, clean everything up and bolt it back up again. Of course, it may be that the horn itself has broken – test it by running a couple of wires to it from the battery.

            Good luck!


          • #3036
            Barry & Maggie

              Thank you, Keith.  That’s very kind of you.

              Part of my recent health problems has been “breathing difficulties”, so I entirely empathise.

              Best wishes,


            • #3038

                Thank you Tom and again thank you Barry . Fuse marked on the lid to be there and not there caused the confusion. With the help of Tom and link to a fuse diagram its home is evidently in the engine compartment fuse box. So now to check that when the rain stops . Thank you all my friends it all helps with the old grey matter as we say up North nowt like fettling a problem the sen. Will keep you informed thanks again stay safe my friends


              • #3049

                  Hi Tom , Barry . Had to accept defeat with the horn . Wheel contact operates relay , fuse ok , so problem after the fuse box.  Still no supply to horn ?? Run out of time  M.O.T. today so professionals going to sort it ? . . . fingers crossed.

                  Thank you for your help , stay safe


                • #3050

                    Hi Tom , Barry . Had to accept defeat with the horn . Wheel contact operates relay , fuse ok , so problem after the fuse box.  Still no supply to horn ?? Run out of time  M.O.T. today so professionals going to sort it ? . . . fingers crossed.

                    Thank you for your help , stay safe


                  • #3093

                      What was the solution Fred


                    • #3101

                        Hi Tom, Tried everything including new relay . Culprit was the relay connections on the horn side in the actual fuse box ? so everything still worked including the horn  . . .past the relay ? was starting to think it was a broken cable . Ran out of time looking and of course it failed the M.O.T. ! but my horn now works. So got a clean bill of health.

                        thanks Tom stay safe

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