Home Forums Modifications & Enhancements Older Diesel Engines & MoT

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    • #1960
      Barry & Maggie

        As our diesel engines are getting older and the MoT is getting stricter, this product may assist in keeping the engine’s emissions down, with a cleaner exhaust…

        Wynn’s Xtreme Diesel Emission Reducer is a fuel treatment for diesel engines, which reduces black smoke formation and harmful exhaust emissions.

        • Improves the combustion and increases the amount of oxygen in the combustion chamber.
        • Reduces the formation of black exhaust smoke, especially soot particulates in diesel engines.
        • Increases the engine performance and improves fuel economy.
        • Quietens diesel-knocking noises.
        • Cleans the injectors and the combustion chamber.
        • Improves the vaporization of the fuel and the fuel/air mixture.
        • Lowers the formation of harmful NOX gases during the combustion, as it removes the isolating fouling material in the combustion chamber.
        • Harmless to turbochargers, catalytic converters and soot filters.

        I’ve not tried this particular product, but I will certainly use it before my next, and following, MoTs.

        I have used diesel additives, to clean the injectors and turbo, and my observations have been positive – a “nicer-running” engine.  Difficult to quantify from the driver’s seat, but just a positive feel as far as the engine’s sound and feel goes.


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