Home Forums General Discussion Our batteries issue

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    • #3089
      Jean Johnson

        Hi all,

        Many thanks Nozzi for your message.

        Following our frightening experience with the alarm, and hot batteries/Electroblock, a couple of weeks ago, we’ve had to have assessments etc done.

        The reason that the Carbon Monoxide alarm went off –
        – one of the batteries was very hot and its indicator window was black, ( strong sulphurous smell too!)
        – the other battery was warm, and indicator blue.
        – the Electroblock was between warm and hot.

        Martin Bushnell expressed an opinion that the Electroblock may have been damaged, and he also stated that with solar panels as well, we should not have the B2B.

        Upon investigation, it transpires that the B2B, Electroblock, and solar panels were all charging one battery out of the two.
        Our local motorhome garage said that the 2 batteries, were wired in parallel, all supplies out of the batteries and charging options into the batteries were wired to one battery only. He said that wiring them like this causes the batteries to work as a main battery and a slave battery causing usually one battery to fail prematurely. He  always uses positive terminal of one battery and negative of the other battery which then gives even current draw from both batteries and equally, even charge back into the batteries.

        We have had to get 2 new batteries, the ones Martin suggested, Exide 80Ah Gel, and have had these fitted.

        Hope this helps if anyone gets a similar problem.

        For safety’s sake we have had the B2B removed, as Martin suggested.

        Fortunately, the Electroblock appears not to be damaged.

        Praying for a smoother run now !!!

        Erwin and Jean
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      • #3090
        Barry & Maggie

          Thank goodness you’ve sorted that, Jean & Erwin – what a nightmare.  It just shows that even with a professionally supplied and fitted system (by Outdoor Bits), you still cannot be sure.  This was done by them 12 years ago, so has been waiting to explode on me all that time.  Makes me quite angry really.

          Let’s hope that you finally have plain sailing and are able to enjoy the Exsis properly.

          Good luck.


        • #3091

            Well done

            It’s given me inspiration to update The Little Exsis Book

            Dilemma which discussion: Leisure Battery or Solar Panels


          • #3103

              Hi excuse the ignorance but what is a B 2 B as mentioned above ?

              Fred  . . . .  stay safe friends

            • #3109
              Barry & Maggie

                Here’s a simple explanation…  https://tinyurl.com/y5swul7d

                Briefly, they charge the leisure batteries much, much faster than would otherwise be possible, by monitoring battery temperature and raising/reducing charge rate from the alternator accordingly.

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