Home Forums General Discussion Weird Elektroblock EBL99 Problem

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    • #3370

        Good afternoon all

        I have a problem I think with the Elektroblock.

        No lights  on the monitor for the Engine battery all work for the habitation battery.

        Everything seems to be working both habitation and engine batteries are being charged, the Fridge works on 12v.

        All fuses are ok.

        If I measure the voltage using Block 7 pin 1 as the negative I get >12v on Block 2 pin 1 , the engine battery connection to the fridge. Block 3 pin 8, the monitor outlet for the engine battery which is connected directly to Block 7 pin 1 according to the diagram, only shows .9v.

        Anyone got the diagram. I would appreciate a second opinion.

        Thank you


        • This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Tresjolie.
      • #3372
        Barry & Maggie

          Sorry to hear this, Tom

          I recommend you speak to Martin at A&N Caravan Services – a very helpful guy.


          Good luck with this.


        • #3373

            Thanks Barry

            We hope you are well

            I will contact them on Monday

            I made slight error. I said Block 7 pin 1 is connected directly to Block 3 pin 8. It should read :-

            If I measure the voltage using Block 7 pin 1 as the negative I get >12v on Block 2 pin 1 , the engine battery connection to the fridge. Block 3 pin 8, the monitor outlet for the engine battery which is connected directly to Block 2 pin 1 according to the diagram, only shows .9v.



          • #3374

              Ok it looks like there are differences between EBL99H and EBL99G. EBL99H has a POLYSWITCH between the 2 connections. I have the diagram for EBL99G. Anyone know where to find the version letter.

              I now have the English manuals for both. You can get them from Schaudt.gmbh Service & Support section.


              EBL 99 H


              EBL 99 G

              in the suchen box and select the downloaded for the british flag .Then give them your email address and accept the terms and conditions. You will receive a junk email  with a link .

              Good luck




              • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Tresjolie.
            • #3376

                You can download the LED panel LT 99 A Instruction Manual using the same method above.



              • #3377
                Fred & Gill

                  Sorry to hear about your problem Tom – what else to do on a wet afternoon, but to go and look for identification on my Elektroblok.

                  Couldn’t find any identification under close scrutiny with a torch – although there is a big Varta battery in front of itbut I could peer down in between.

                  All I could find was the original component documentation (German) that came with the van and it has EBL99G on it .

                  My Exsis SG left factory March 2006 2.3 JTD , similar to yours I believe.

                  Best wishes for sorting it out, your much better than me with electrics.


                  • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Fred & Gill.
                • #3379

                    Thanks Fred hope you are both well.

                    I’ve removed the EBL and the type is on the back grrrr. Type G.

                    I’ve emailed  martin at A and N. Hopefully I will have them repair it. Apparently they have no problem with the 18Amp versions which this one is.

                    There is no continuity between the 2 pins so there must be a burn out there.

                    It all works except for the starter battery indicators but I don’t feel safe using it with a fault.

                    I hope he can look at the LED panel as this may be causing the fault

                    Keep safe


                  • #3391

                      Good afternoon

                      Feedback from the EBL repair

                      1. Your EBL99 and LT99 have been repaired and will shortly be ready for return. Damage had been caused by liquid ingress to the front board around the area of Block 2 and Block 3.  Corrosion to the PCB track has been removed, the damaged track has been replaced and the area of damage coated with water repellent lacquer. Both the EBL99 and the LT99 have been fully tested with no faults found.

                      2.The water ingress looks almost as if it has percolated down the control panel interconnection cable. Just because of where the PCB had the damage around block 3. If the control panel is in the skin above the door, it might be worth having the panel out to see if it’s wet behind it.


                    • #3405

                        Good afternoon.

                        Further investigation: I discovered that the seat frame is metal angle iron and a large horizontal piece runs under the back of the sitting area above the EBL99. The photo underneath the sitting area above the EBL99 shows a damp stain and I can’t find any other evidence of dampness in the locker nor in the kitchen sink locker. So I assume it is condensation on the frame. Not convinced so I will check on our next trip.

                      • #3406
                        Barry & Maggie

                          Near to the sink, Tom?  Water splashes from there?


                        • #3412
                          Fred & Gill

                            Thanks again Tom for an informative and detailed report and feedback.

                            I have the SG and have checked mine this morning.

                            The substantial metal piece is all smooth and shiny on the outer surface (facing downwards into locker) over the complete length. I did notice that the inner surface (uppermost facing plywood top) was quite pitted at the open  area exposed in the centre near the substantial upright post and on the open edge near the seat belt at the gangway, but smoother (by touch) away from these points.

                            I’m not an acrobat so I didn’t look up from underneath as in your photo for staining.

                            Guess that to take a good look it would be necessary to remove ply wood seat base top – a few screws and staples……if I was looking to clean out all the dust I would do that, or if you would like further comparison, I could be persuaded.

                            Cheers, Fred

                          • #3415

                              Good afternoon

                              Barry! good thinking. I was wondering if I should place a light weight cloth over the EBL to catch any drips. Does it heat up.

                              Fred! I didn’t do any acrobatics just set the phone in selfie mode and flash on.

                              Feedback from Martin:-“This is more damage than I would expect to see from condensation but it could be historical”

                              Hope your all well. I’m ready for a trip to France. We have a few trips booked to the lakes.


                            • #3416

                                All repaired by aandncaravanservices.co.uk.

                                Back in the van and tested. We are ready to roll


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